Gradient Descent


Ex: lack of attainment

First-order necessary condition

[\ \overset{\bar{x}}{\text{local max}} \to \nabla f(\bar{x})=0 ]\

Proof sketch: Up to first-order

2nd-order sufficient condition

Positive Definite

Proof Sketch: Up to second-order:

2nd-order necessary condition

Least-Square (Linear)

Gradient Descent

  • step size selection (linearized)

  • search direction selection

Descent Direction

“Linesearch Methods”

Proof Sketch

Conceptual Algorithm

  • check stop criteria

  1. exact linesearch (not always possible)

  2. backtracking linesearch (”Aruijo”)

Exact Linearization

  • not always possible

  • always possible for quadratic functions

Choosing Search Direction d

Always provides descent direction:

“Steepest” Descent is “Greedy”

Last updated