relationship to convex sets
operations preserve convexity
global optimality (necessary ≡ sufficient)
Δn={x∈Rn∣∑xi≤1,x≥0} “Probability” Simplex
Δˉn={x∈Rn∣∑xj=1,x≥0} Conv(S)={∑i=1kλixi∣λ∈Δˉk,xi∈S,k∈N}, where N denotes non-negative
Δ2=H(0−1),0−∩H(−10),0−∩H(11),1− Caratheodory’s Theorem (Chp6, Beck)
Hyperplane: Ha,β={x∈Rn∣aTx=β}
Halfspace: Ha,β−1
Ha,β−={x∈Rn∣aTx≤β},(a=0) Definition. A function f:C→R, C⊆Rn (convex set), is convex if
f(λx+(1−λ)y)≤λf(x)+(1−λ)f(y) for any x,y∈C, and λ∈[0,1]
→ Difference between strict convex and convex?
Definition. f is concave if −f is convex
Consequence: A function f is concave and convex if and only if f is affine
Example: Norm ∥⋅∥:Rn→R+
All norms satisfy the
∥x+y∥≤∥x∥+∥y∥ ∥αx∥=∣α∣⋅∥x∥
Take any x,y∈Rn and any λ∈[0,1]
Z:=λx+(1−λ)y ∥Z∥=∥λx+(1−λ)y∥≤∥λx∥+∥(1−λ)y∥=∣λ∣⋅∥x∥+∣1−λ∣⋅∥y∥=λ∥x∥+(1−λ)∥y∥
Example: Affine functions
f(x)=aTx+β Ex: f(x)=−log(x),f:R→R
Ex: f(x)=exf:R→R
Operations that preserve the convexity of functions
Non-negative multiples
αf(x) is convex if f(x) is convex and α≥0
f1+f2+…+fm is convex if f1,…,fm are convex
Composition of a convex function with affine function is convex, i.e.,
if f convex then f(Ax+b) convex for any matrix A and vector b
Take any point x,y∈Rn and λ∈[0,1]:
Example f(x1,x2,x3)=ex1−x2+x3+e2x2+x1
Example For any matrix A and vector b, LS objective: 21∥Ax−b∥22
21∥Ax−b∥22=21∑(aiTx−bi)2=21∑f(aiTx−bi), where f(⋅)=(⋅)2
GLOBAL Optimality
(P) x∈Rnminf(x) subject to x∈C
where f:Rn→R convex and C⊆Rn convex set
If x∗ is a local minimizer of (P), i.e., f(x∗)≤f(x),∀x∈Bε∩C for all ε>0 small enough, then x∗ is a global minimizer of (P), i.e., f(x∗)≤f(x),∀x∈C.
Proof Suppose x∗∈C is a local minimizer of (P), but not a global minimizer.
∃y∈C s.t. f(y)<f(x∗)
By convexity of C, λx∗+(1−λ)y∈C for any λ∈[0,1] and by convexity of f;