

The rank of a matrix is the maximum number of its linearly independent column vectors (or row vectors).

It also can be shown that the columns (rows) of a square matrix are linearly independent only if the matrix is nonsingular. In other words, the rank of any nonsingular matrix of order n is n.

Nonsingular Matrix

An n×nn \times n matrix AA is called nonsingular or invertible matrix if there exists an n×nn \times n matrix BB such that


If AA does not have an inverse, AA is called singular matrix.

Orthogonal Matrices

Definition. A matrix AA is orthogonal if ATA=AAT=IA^TA=AA^T=I.


The range (also called the column space or image) of a m×nm \times n matrix AA is the span (set of all possible linear combinations) of its column vectors. The column space of a matrix is the image or range of the corresponding matrix transformation.

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