(P) x∈Rnminf(x) s.t. x∈C f:Rn→R convex and continuously differentiable
C⊆Rn convex
If xˉ is a local minimizer, then xˉ is a global min
level sets of convex functions
first and second order optimization: ∇f(x)=0; ∇2f(x)≥0
Optimality for constrained problems
➡️ Fact: If f:Rn→R convex, then the level sets [f≤τ]:={x∈Rn∣f(x)∈τ} are convex sets
Suppose xˉ∈C solves (P)
[f≤τ]∩C ⇒ solution set
Take any x,y∈[f≤τ]
Show that λx+(1−λ)y∈[f≤τ] for λ∈[0,1], f(x)≤τ, f(y)≤τ.
Because f is conex,
First-Order Characterization
✅ Theorem. Let f:C→R be continuously differentiable over C⊆Rn, where C means convex set, then f is convex iff
Proof Sketch: (⇒ only if direction)
By convexity of f:
Dividing λ by both sides, λf(λz+(1−λ)x)−f(x)≤[f(z)−f(x)]
Because f continuously differentiable, f’(x;z−x)=∇f(x)T(z−x)
⇒ ∇f(x)T(z−x)≤f(z)−f(x)
⇒ f(x)+∇f(x)T(z−x)≤f(z),∀x,z
Consider the unconstrained differentiable problem
x∈Rnminf(x) (f convex) By convexity,
f(x)+∇f(x)T(z−x)≤f(z),∀x,z∈Rn If x∗ is a local min, then
∇f(x∗)=0 x=x∗
f(x∗)≤f(z),∀x∈Rn For convex unconstrained problems,
Stationarity⇔Global Optimality For f:C→R (C⊆Rn convex) twice continuous differentiable then f is convex iff
∇2f(x)≥0,∀x∈C Example. f(x)=21∥x∥2
Unconstrained Case (
x∗∈x∈Rnargminf(x)⇔f’(x∗;x−x∗)=∇f(x∗)T(x−x∗)≥0⇔f(x∗)=0 Constrained Case (
x∗∈x∈Cargminf(x)⇔f’(x∗;x−x∗)=∇f(x∗)T(x−x∗)≥0,∀x∈C ⇒ All feasible directions are non-decreasing on f.
⇒ −∇f(x∗)T(x−x∗)≤0,∀x∈C